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Articles about & by Menty

How women benefit from mentally healthy men

Modern masculinity is a balancing act: While men undoubtedly enjoy certain privileges, they equally suffer from the somewhat contradictory expectations placed on them. The following article discusses the one-sided intake of mental support services and emphasizes the need for gender-sensitive care. Furthermore, more attention is given to the positive consequences of "mentally healthy" men for society as a whole, but especially for women.

How Menty uses digital media to engage men on their mental fitness

Social media is buzzing, while our mental health is (seemingly) going downhill. Yet paradoxically, digital technologies offer advantages in the mental health sector that are withheld from traditional offerings of care - such as the possibility of a gender-sensitive content design that is particularly stimulating for the underrepresented target group "men".

Stress among top managers: "Burnout is a positive word"

Menty-Cofounder Adrian Wangerin explores the causes behind the growing incidence of Burnout among top male managers and executives in an interview with Finance. In doing so, he cautions against a view of Burnout as a "proof of achievement", which he believes to be fueled by overly high company expectations as well as a resulting lack of help-seeking behavior. Moreover, he urges employers to engage in prevention work by fostering a supportive company culture as well as emphasizing self-care among their employees.

Psychologist warns: Psychological problems in men are often not recognized

When it comes to their mental health, a lot of men still ignore early warning signs and sometimes wait seven years (or longer) to seek help. As Menty-Cofounder Adrian Wangerin explains in an interview with bw24, this is primarily due to traditional role models and societal stigmas as well as the fact that many men do not feel addressed by traditional services for help.

"Women must approve of men being more vulnerable and not just the strong providers."

Menty-Cofounder Adrian Wangerin had an interesting exchange with WELT about exhausted role models, societal stigmas as well as counter-designs to traditional masculinity. Among other things, he addresses gender-specific aspects of care as well as the role women play in maintaining dysfunctional male coping strategies.

Men seek less help for their mental health problems

"When men try to be vulnerable, other people perceive it as a weakness," says US-professor René Brown. Self-proclaimed "men's coaches" fuel this image of the dominant alpha male who deals with problems on his own and doesn't need external support. The outcome: Men who are ashamed of their mental problems and perceive them as self-inflicted defeat.

The Menty Podcast

#1 Burnout

The founders of Menty at the most intimate place - in bed! In the kickoff-episode of the Menty podcast, Mikula Jung (former management consultant) and Adrian Wangerin (psychologist) talk about burnout, personal experiences, mental health, gender differences in diagnosis and why men should simply talk more often.

#2 Typically male or not?

In the second episode of our podcast, Mikula and Adrian talk about gender differences and how they affect our minds and our mental strain. What conclusions can be drawn from this regarding communication between women and men? And why should we pay much more attention to similarities? Learn all about it in this episode.

#3 Insights from therapy

Psychotherapy - what actually transpires there? In this episode, we are joined by psychologist and psychotherapist Patricia Dieterle. She gives us hidden insights into the world of psychotherapy, how people deal with difficult times and why it would be beneficial for everyone to have this kind of in-depth conversation once in order to get to know oneself even better.

#4 Dating, relationships, and the military

For 12 years, Cindy Holland served as a navy officer in the German military. She now is a psychologist-to-be and known from various TV formats such as "The Bachelor" and "Hochzeit auf den ersten Blick". In the Menty podcast she talks about her time in the military, her dating life, what men screw up when it comes to dating, and finally, she has some exciting news to share.

#5 Addiction & hypnosis

Norman Wiehe is an expert in hypnosis, a coach for behavioral change and nutrition, as well as a personal trainer. In this episode we talk to him about the effectiveness of his work, why many people suffer from addictions and why the potential of hypnosis has not yet been fully accessed.

#6 Relax for a change!

In this episode we are joined by a veritable hero of relaxation - Johannes, the founder of Entspannungshelden. Together we dive deep into the world of relaxation and talk about personal borderline experiences, stress resilience, authenticity, resistance to relaxation and social issues.

#7 Entrepreneurship & mental health

Sebastian Herz is a multiple entrepreneur and knows the significance of mental health better than anyone else. He recently founded Männersache, a company that specializes in the development of male-specific skincare products. We talked to him about his motivation behind the foundation as well as his own experiences with mental health.

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Prevention to boost your mental strength
“I use Menty to strengthen my stress resilience. It does not feel like a science-based health product - it’s fun and it works.”
Jeff (27), USA
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Is Menty right for you?
A solution designed for men
“Finally a solution for men. I tried dozens of mental health and mind coaching apps - nothing really appeared to me. Menty designed for me - you see that, it feels right.”
David (42), Germany
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Is Menty right for you?
Kickstart your mental health work
“I struggled with my mental health for years. But when it impacted my job performance and family life, I knew I had to do something. Menty was the perfect step to take!”
Paul (35), Germany
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